Watch influencer curations

Once you are in a showroom, click Add Curation button at the upper left corner of your screen and select/de-select a influencer curation in the pop-up panel. Once added, the pre-recorded influencer curation will hover over your screen and play/pause as the movie plays/pauses. All curations are pre-recorded and are not responsive by nature to users.

Adjust influencers’ volume

Click on the Volume Control button on the media player at the bottom left corner of your screen to adjust Movie and Chat volume separately. Influencer curation’s volume follows the Chat volume control. Note that this function is only available on desktops/laptops.

Record influencer curations

Once you are in a showroom, click Record on the upper right corner of your screen. From this point on, everyone in the showroom will be recorded through their respective webcams/microphones, which includes everyone’s reactions, commentaries, and playback bar actions (play, pause, rewind, skip forward). Please ensure your webcam/microphone are working properly. The recording will be processed and uploaded to our server within 72 hours after everyone quits the showroom where the recording takes place. Once completed, you will be able to see this recorded curation under your Profile -> My Curations -> Curations. The default visibility of every recorded curation is Private (only you can add this curation in a showroom) and you can change it to Public (everyone can add this curation in a showroom). You can also change the title of the recorded curation.

If you wish to become an influencer on WeWatch and start monetizing your time spend on casually streaming movies, please contact us for more info.